Civil War Manuscript Transcriptions

The soldiers listed below are just a few of the many Vermonters who fought in the Civil War. Many wrote letters home and kept diaries describing the conditions in which they lived. The Vermont Historical Society is proud to host a vast collection of Civil War manuscripts: letters, diaries, and other documents related to the war. Here we've provided online transcripts of some of the letters and diaries in our collection, arranged by the author's last name.

Visit the Vermonters in the Civil War website for scans and transcriptions of Civil War letters from the collections of the Vermont Historical Society and the University of Vermont Libraries.  This site offers sophisticated searching capabilities and digital facsimiles of letters not offered here. 

Visit the the Vermont in the Civil War website for more information, especially information and portraits of individual soldiers, including photographs that are at the Vermont Historical Society.

We also have an online catalog for more complex searches, including keyword searching. Our full collection of Civil War manuscripts can be accessed by visiting the Leahy Library in Barre.

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