Local History Achievement Awards
Every year the Vermont Historical Society presents the League of Local Historical Societies & Museums (LLHSM) Achievement Awards. These awards recognize the exceptional work done by individuals and community heritage organizations throughout the state to collect, preserve, and share Vermont’s rich history. Awards are presented each year at the LLHSM Annual Conference.
Congratulations to our 2024 Winners!
Nominate a project for our 2025 Awards!
Nominations are now being accepted for projects/programs that took place in calendar year 2024, or for individual/group achievement over time. Electronic nomination packets are strongly encouraged.
New for 2025! This year we will provide a monetary award of $250 each for up to 5 of our Award of Excellence winners.
Awards will be presented in conjunction with the LLHSM Annual Meeting in May 2025 (date & location TBD) Nominations must be postmarked or received by Friday, February 14, 2025. This year’s award nomination review will continue to be rigorous. Early applicants will receive the benefit of feedback and have the opportunity to submit supplemental material if needed.
(For projects that were undertaken or completed during the 2024 calendar year.)
For original works that advance knowledge and appreciation of the history of a Vermont community, a project that records and shares recollections of community members, or a production that communicates stories from the community’s past. Formats may include but are not limited to books, videos, podcasts, websites, and theater productions.
For the preservation or restoration of a structure or site that evokes the heritage of the community, or a project that significantly advances the long-term preservation of historical collections of importance to the community.
For the creation of exhibits that reflect the imaginative interpretation of some aspect of local history, for educational or public programs that encourage the study and appreciation of local history, or for projects that encourage and incorporate civic or community engagement.
For projects which enhance or expand access to history collections for researchers, students, or the general public.
Organizations may nominate an individual (or group of individuals) to recognize extended and purposeful service to a community heritage organization or to the advancement and study of local history in their community. Nominations for individual/ group recognition must include two letters of support and provide strong evidence on the impact of their community heritage efforts.
Nominations may be made by the organization seeking the award, by another organization or by an individual. Nomination packets should be submitted along with supporting documentation, such as publications, brochures, news clippings, photographs, CDs or DVDs, letters of support, or other materials that represent the project. Materials submitted with the application become the property of the Vermont Historical Society. We recommend electronic/email submission of materials whenever possible.
Awards will be made in recognition of exceptional work, with a particular emphasis upon innovation. Individual awards will be made in recognition of enduring and meritorious service. Awards do not have to be given in every category and there is also no limit on the number of Awards per category. VHS and Award Judges reserve the right to adjust the nomination category for any project/individual. A panel of judges, appointed by the Vermont Historical Society, will review nominations and make award selections. Judges will identify nominations to receive an Award of Excellence (highest level) or an Award of Merit. All judges’ decisions are final. If there are more than 5 Award of Excellence winners, the judges will choose the top 5 to receive monetary awards.
All nominations must be postmarked or received by Friday, February 14, 2025. Late entries will not be considered for awards.
Electronically (PREFERRED): Complete the nomination form at: https://form.jotform.com/243455259109157 or email materials directly to director.outreach@vermonthistory.org
Mailed: Complete a paper nomination form and send to Vermont Historical Society, Attn: Eileen Corcoran, 60 Washington Street, Ste. 1 Barre, VT 05641
For more information, please contact Director of Service & Outreach Eileen Corcoran at
(802) 479-8522 or director.outreach@vermonthistory.org
Want to submit a strong nomination? Take a look at our Tips Sheet.
Download a list of past Award Winners (1996-2024): PDF