Vermont History Journal Volume 91 (2023)

Vol. 91, No. 1    |    Winter/Spring 2023

About the Covers: Katherine Fletcher's Graduation Dress
Teresa Teixeira Greene (v)

One Mission, Two Pathways: Annette Parmelee and Lucy Daniels in the Campaign for Woman Suffrage
Marilyn S. Blackwell (1)

Renewal of Burlington in the Suburban Age
Brendan S. Keleher (31)

Book Reviews (81)

More About Vermont History (101)
Compiled by Kate Phillips

Vol. 91, No. 2    |    Summer/Fall 2023

About the Covers: Moody M. Peabody, Vermont Engraver and Counterfeiter
Juls Sundberg (iv)

In Memoriam
Elizabeth H. Dow, Giovanna Peebles, and Art Cohn (vi)

Against the Odds: Edward Hitchcock and the Vermont Geological Survey
Robert T. McMaster (103)

Summit Preserve: The University of Vermont's Unprecedented 1859 Purchase of the Summit of Mount Mansfield
Robert A. Mello (110)

Book Reviews (126)

More About Vermont History (131)
Compiled by Kate Phillips

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