Volume 69 (2001)
Vol. 69, Supplement | Winter 2001
Symposium Supplement: Generation of Change: Vermont, 1820-1850
Gainor B. Davis (5)
Can Faith Change the World? Religion and Society in Vermont's Age of Reform
Randolph Roth (7)
Section I: Reform
Rowland T. Robinson, Rokeby, and the Underground Railroad in Vermont
Jane Williamson (19)
Being Good: An Abolitionist Family Attempts to Live Up to Its Own Standards
Ronald Salomon (32)
Racism in Antebellum Vermont
John M. Lovejoy (48)
Section II: Religion
Surrogate Ministers: Women, Revivalism, and Maternal Associations in Vermont
Marilyn S. Blackwell (66)
"To Outfit Destitute Young Men for the Ministry": Thetford's Response to the Call to Evangelism
David G. Vanderstel (79)
"A Convention of 'Moral Lunatics'": The Rutland, Vermont, Free Convention of 1858
Thomas L. Altherr (90)
Section III: Work
"By Work in Shop": Boot and Shoe Production in Calais, Vermont, 1829-1850
Jill Mudgett (105)
Sleepers Awake! The Industrial Revolution Comes to Antebellum St. Johnsbury
Allen Yale (116)
The Struggle for Decent Transportation In Western Rutland County,1820-1850
Gwilym R. Roberts (122)
About the Contributors (133)
Vol. 69, Nos. 1 & 2 | Winter/Spring 2001
About the Contributors (140)
Thomas Day Seymour Bassett
Samuel B. Hand (141)
Legislative Voting Patterns on Banking in Vermont, 1803-1825
Kenneth A. Degree (143)
Designed to Cure: Civil War Hospitals in Vermont
Nancy E. Boone and Michael Sherman (173)
Can We "Trust Uncle Sam"? Vermont and the Submarginal Lands Project, 1934-1936
Sara M. Gregg (201)
Book Reviews (222)
More About Vermont History
Compiled by Paul A. Carnahan (243)
Vol. 69, Nos. 3 & 4 | Summer/Fall 2001
About the Contributors (252)
Seth Storrs, Congregationalism, and the Founding of Middlebury College
Robert L. Ferm (253)
Waldo H. Heinrichs, George D. Aiken, and the Lend Lease Debate of 1941
Waldo H. Heinrichs Jr. (267)
Book Reviews (284)
More About Vermont History
Compiled by Paul A. Carnahan (308)
Index to Volumes 68 (2000) and 69 (2001)
Compiled by Reidun D. Nuquist (314)