Vermont History at Home

VHS has a number of digital and online offerings you can access from anywhere, for everyone. Explore some of these great digital offerings today:

Before Your Time Podcast

This Place in History TV Programs (sorted by topic)

Program Videos: our Youtube Channel and Facebook Live

Digital Vermont: Two dozen collections of images and scans include the earliest known photographs of Vermont, hand-colored photographs from around the state, 267 photographs from Franklin County photographer Edmund Royce, oral histories from the 1970s, photographs of Vermont's 68 Civil War flags, photographs of Vermonter Calvin Coolidge when he was president, & more!

Green Mountain Chronicles: 52 five-minute programs tell the history of Vermont in the twentieth century using archival sound recordings and oral history interviews. Topics include early aviation, the rise of the KKK, woman's suffrage, town bands, and much more!

Vermont Stories: articles, exhibits, & more

Flickr Image Albums: Historic images from six different photographers from across the state arranged in easy-to-browse, topical albums.

Digital Resources: maps, video, transcriptions, & more

Vermont History Journal: Read the best in Vermont history scholarship from the past 20 years and earlier.  Articles are indexed in our library catalog.

Vermont History Outside: Walking tours and places to explore outdoors

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