NHD Annual Theme

Vermont History Day: National History Day 2024: Turning Points in History

Each year, National History Day selects an annual theme. The broad themes encourage students to research a wide variety of topics. Students should use the theme to frame their analysis and show why a topic is significant in history.

The 2024 theme is "Turning Points in History." Projects can be about Vermont history, US history or world history - but all projects must relate to the theme.

History is an ongoing process. We may not understand the long-term consequences of a historic event until many years later. These moments of notable change are turning points. Turning points can be momentous occasions of change, for better or worse. The 2024 Vermont History Day (VHD) theme of Turning Points in History allows students to explore these moments of change. Turning points can be ideas, events, and actions in the past. Students should address the short-term and long-term impacts of their topic - how did their Turning Point create change? 

Follow the links below to explore resources and topics related to Turning Points in History:

If you have any more questions, contact education@vermonthistory.org or (802) 479-8500.


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