Mission & Strategic Plan

Vermont Historical Society believes understanding the past changes lives and builds better communities. Our purpose is to engage Vermonters and Vermonters-at-Heart with outstanding collections, state-wide outreach, and dynamic programming.  

View a summary of the VHS Strategic Plan here and the full VHS Strategic Plan here.

The Vermont Historical Society is…

  • the only museum in Vermont where visitors experience the entire breadth of Vermont's history from the time of the Abenaki to the beginning of the 21st century; at the Pavilion Building in downtown Montpelier.
  • the finest genealogical research library in the state, located at the Vermont History Center in Barre.
  • centuries of Vermont-related collections, including the document that admitted Vermont to the Union (signed by Thomas Jefferson), a Revolutionary War atlas of Lake Champlain and even the shoe buckles worn by Ethan Allen!
  • a resource for Vermont's 100,000 schoolchildren and their teachers.
  • the home of the Vermont Women's History Project.
  • the publisher of books and a journal about Vermont history.

Since the Vermont Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Our Federal EIN number is 03-0179602.

Vision statement

Every person and every moment create the story of Vermont. Through sharing these collective stories, Vermonters will increase their knowledge of our state’s complex past, inform our present, and understand how our unique experiences impact and shape this ongoing narrative. 

Vermont Historical Society Institutional Values


VHS is committed to honest communication, transparency, and managing resources in a trustworthy and accountable manner. We foster evidence-based practices in our research, scholarship, exhibits, education programs, and publications.


VHS is a community gathering space, resource, and catalyst for civic engagement that is rooted in understanding Vermont’s history. We foster meaningful relationships with many individuals and partners who inform and direct our work.

Equity and Inclusion

VHS seeks to address historical exclusion by embracing an inclusive understanding of the Vermont experience. In partnership with multiple communities, we educate the public about inequities as we work to change our own institution. See our full Statement on Diversity and Inclusion.

Cultural Humility

VHS believes that history cannot be contained within a single story or point of view. We respect the validity of different perspectives and are committed to exploring and embracing multiple ways of knowing.


VHS strives to provide access to everyone along the continuum of human ability and experience. With a variety of learning methods, technologies, and languages, we enable all people to experience the power of history.


VHS values questions, new ideas, and unexpected connections and discoveries that arise through inquiry. We welcome challenging conversations and the opportunity to learn from mistakes. We recognize that willingness to change our minds is crucial to understanding history and applying it to the present. 



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