Legacy Circle
The Legacy Circle is comprised of individuals who share in a love of learning, a sense of wonder about Vermont, and a commitment to ensuring our cultural and scientific history is passed to future generations. By supporting the Vermont Historical Society through your estate or life income gift, you are joining a special group of individuals who have recognized the timeless value of the Society's work and the enduring place it has in Vermont history. There are many ways to make a gift to the Vermont Historical Society, including life income and estate gifts, which can ultimately be beneficial to the Institution and rewarding to the donor in a variety of ways.
To become a valued honoree of the Legacy Circle, please complete the Legacy Circle form and email to: emily.lev@vermonthistory.org or mail:
Vermont Historical Society, Attn: Legacy Circle
60 Washington Street, Ste. 1,
Barre, VT 05641.
Meet Legacy Circle Members, Nick and Carol Muller
"I believe most of us leave our legacy through strengthening institutions that project our values, what we hold important, and secure them for future generations. For that reason, Carol and I have named the Vermont Historical Society as a beneficiary of a Charitable Remainder Unitrust. We want to assist those who follow us to understand their heritage as part of valuing and understanding themselves, and in Vermont, the Society does that the best."—H. Nicholas Muller, Honorary VHS Trustee
Thank you Nick and Carol—we appreciate your commitment to preserving Vermont history for the future!