Vermont History Museum Reopening!

The Vermont Historical Society is pleased to announce that the Vermont History Museum will reopen to the public on October 10th, 2023.
Housed in the Pavilion Building at 109 State Street in Montpelier, the museum has been closed since July 11th, when floodwaters inundated the building. To celebrate the reopening, museum admission will be by donation on October 10th. Admission is waived for one day, and visitors are encouraged to donate an amount they are comfortable with.
Visitors to the museum can see the following exhibits:
- “A Stitch in Time”, an exhibit about the history of costume that looks at how the garments of the past inform the fashions of today.
- “Fancy Goods” an exhibit by the Middletown Springs Historical Society newly installed in the Local History Gallery.
- “Calvin Coolidge: Vermont’s President”: an exhibit from the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation that celebrates the centennial of his administration.
- “Freedom & Unity”, the museum’s permanent exhibit, a chronological exploration of Vermont’s history, from its indigenous inhabitants to the modern day.