Vermont History Journal

Vermont History Journal spines

Vermont History publishes new research and scholarship on interesting topics of Vermont state and local history twice a year. The journal also includes book reviews. Become a Vermont Historical Society member and get your Vermont History, too! Members may choose to have Vermont History mailed or may access the content to the right using the Members login. Contact Daphne Kinney-Landis at (802) 479-8503 or if you need assistance with logging in.

Search Vermont History

Use the Search Box above to search within digitized Vermont History articles on this website or go to the library's online catalog for structured searching by author, title or subject. Printed indexes for the journal exist for volumes 1 through 55 (1930-1987) and 56 through 70 (1988-2002). Contact the Leahy Library at (802) 479-8509 or for additional assistance with locating articles within Vermont History.

Back Issues

The full text of back issues of Vermont History since 2000 is available to the public online on this site six months after publication plus selected articles published prior to 2000. Click on the volume number in the menu to the right to see table of contents for all issues published since 2000, choose "selected articles" from the menu at the right, or use the "search" function below. Each article is stored as an individual PDF file, which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader or a compatible program for viewing.

Hard copy back issues of the journal are available for consultation at the VHS's Leahy Library in Barre, in libraries across the country, and through the Interlibrary Loan service of your local library. Contact the Leahy Library through our Ask a Librarian service to obtain digitized articles from Vermont History.

Some back issues are available for purchase from the Vermont Historical Society. Back issues are $5.00; not all issues are available for purchase. Contact Daphne Kinney-Landis at (802) 479-8503, for back issues. 

Manuscript Submissions

Learn more about submitting articles to Vermont History.



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