Howard and Alba Leahy Library of the Vermont Historical Society

This is catalog is a starting point for researchers to begin exploring Vermont's rich history through the books, archival collections, maps, broadsides, sheet music, ephemera, and audio-visual materials in the Vermont Historical Society's library. 

These often unique materials may be used by visitors to our library, but cannot be loaned. For help searching or more information about accessing resources described in our catalog, please contact us.

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Use Browse Search to browse indexes (e.g., Main Title, Subjects, All Authors, etc.). Browsing allows you to scroll through or reposition an index to the nearest matching entry. Indexes may also be searched to list entries beginning, containing, or ending with a letter, keyword, or phrase.

Use Advanced Search to search one or more fields simultaneously. Keywords or phrases may be searched. AND, OR, or AND NOT may be selected as the operator between searches.